Modernize Your Customer Experience by Utilizing a Contact Center

In today’s world, customers will no longer accept outdated and inconvenient businesses practices. To thrive, businesses must modernize the customer experience to keep customers happy. Modern customers want modern solutions that offer them the solutions they want with easy-to-use interfacing. Fortunately, utilizing a contact center can provide your business with options that it might not […]

Is Live Chat Taking Over as Customers’ Preferred Contact Method?

Customers have begun choosing live chat as their preferred customer service contact method. Live chat has been available for decades, but in today’s technological age, it is surpassing other forms of communication. In 2021, customers prefer chatting with a live customer service agent over calling, emailing, and social media.  Live chat offers customers a quick, […]

Hand in Hand: How Contact Centers and Artificial Intelligence Work Together

Call center technology advances with the times to prioritize customer and client needs. In the modern age, artificial intelligence (AI) is a staple in the business world. AI is also present in the day-to-day operations of contact centers where it shapes customer satisfaction and business analytics.  AI aids contact center operations to produce the most […]

What Is Brand Perception and Why It Matters

Brand perception is crucial to the success of a business because it sets the tone for future progress. In today’s dynamic world, consumers share their experiences with peers and friends. They reflect these experiences across social media channels and the entire world via the internet. As a result, a single unpleasant experience can often destroy […]

Bilingual Support is a Customer Service Necessity in 2021

Customer support in the US can no longer survive by tailoring only to English customers. Today, Spanish-speaking people make up a large percentage of Americans. Many of these people speak Spanish natively and do not speak fluent English. Your call center must offer bilingual support to all potential callers, regardless of language.  Foreign-language customers deserve […]

How Customizable Scripts Improve Your Customer Service

Contact centers field many calls per day. Utilizing customizable scripts is a significant way to improve a contact center’s customer service because they allow agents to keep calls brief and to the point. When customer calls go long, it damages an agent’s productivity score. Scripts not only improve this score, but they improve the customer […]

The Importance of Agent Training for a Successful Contact Center

For a business and its contact center to be successful, its agents must have adequate training. Contact center agents field a high volume of calls regarding various subjects and departments. Each agent must have the training to handle these calls accurately and efficiently. If agent training is not prioritized, callers can become frustrated, causing a […]

How Call Center Gamification Helps Customers And Employees

For many business executives trying to figure out how they can improve their team’s productivity, gamification may offer a viable solution. The term “gamification” may be familiar to many of you, yet you still may be unclear on what it exactly is and how you can incorporate it into your business’s activities. So, let’s start […]

Reduce Your Overhead by Outsourcing Your Appointment Setting

As a business owner looking to reduce your overhead costs, it is wise to consider outsourcing certain tasks that can be done outside the confines of the office space. One of these tasks is appointment setting.  Third-party companies or individuals can handle your business’s appointment setting for you, preventing you from having to pay overhead […]

8 Contact Center Smart IVR Solutions That Work

When customers call your company, how they are greeted and how long it takes to get answers determines how satisfied they feel when the transaction ends. Customers who are able to quickly complete a transaction or resolve a problem hang up knowing that their time and patronage are of value to you. In contrast, a […]

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